UP TO 100% + UP TO 100 FS!
SPRING + 100% + 100 FS = BIG WINS! GRAB ‘EM NOW!

Yay! Spring has come along with bonuses! Enjoy the Spring Bonanza and get yourself lots of free spins and bonus money! This deal includes three combo bonuses: 40% bonus + 40 FS, 60% bonus + 60 FS, and 100% bonus + 100 FS. Choose the right one and claim it NOW!


  1. From Mar 29 until Apr 10, 2024, сopy the code by just clicking on it. You should see the “Copied to clipboard” pop-up in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. Open the deposit window, enter the code and click the “ADD BONUS CODE” button.
  3. Make one of the following deposits to get the corresponding combo bonus:€40 or €50 or €100 to get 40% bonus up to €300 + 40 FS, 60% bonus up to €300 + 60 FS or 100% bonus up to €300 + 100 FS correspondingly.
  4. Activate/wager Bonus Money and Free Spins within 3 days. Otherwise, the bonus will expire.
Bonus rules
  1. The Spring Bonanza promotion runs from Mar 29, 2024 00:00 UTC until Apr 10, 2024, 23:59 UTC.
  2. This offer is available to all players of olympia.casino who are eligible for all the bonuses, and have placed at least one deposit in a lifetime.
  3. Players can claim this promotion once a week during the promo period by entering the bonus code SPRING in the deposit window and making one of the corresponding deposits stated in paragraphs 5, 6 and 7. If a player doesn’t enter the bonus code while depositing, they will not be eligible to receive this bonus.
  4. Free spins will be available in the following games, according to player’s country: Australia — Magic Apple 2 by RedGenn. Ireland, New Zealand and Canada — Sakura Fortune by Quickspin. Other countries — Pearls of the Ocean by Platipus.
  5. Minimum deposit to get a 40% bonus + 40 free spins: 40 EUR, 40 USD, 40 CAD, 40 AUD, 40 NZD, 70 BRL, 400 NOK, 0.0065 BTC, 0.098 BCH, 0.012 ETH, 0.48 LTC, 200 DOG, and 40 USDT. And maximum bonus amount: 300 EUR, 300 USD, 300 CAD, 300 AUD, 300 NZD, 1,600 BRL, 3,000 NOK, 0.0049 BTC, 0.73 BCH, 0.088 ETH, 3.6 LTC, 1,750 DOG, and 300 USDT.
  6. Minimum deposit to get a 60% bonus + 60 free spins: 50 EUR, 50 USD, 50 CAD, 50 AUD, 50 NZD, 80 BRL, 500 NOK, 0.00082 BTC, 0.12 BCH, 0.015 ETH, 0.6 LTC, 300 DOG, and 50 USDT. And maximum bonus amount: 300 EUR, 300 USD, 300 CAD, 300 AUD, 300 NZD, 1,600 BRL, 3,000 NOK, 0.0049 BTC, 0.73 BCH, 0.088 ETH, 3.6 LTC, 1,750 DOG, and 300 USDT.
  7. Minimum deposit to get a 100% bonus + 100 free spins: 100 EUR, 100 USD, 100 CAD, 100 AUD, 100 NZD, 200 BRL, 1000 NOK, 0.0016 BTC, 0.22 BCH, 0.031 ETH, 1.21 LTC, 600 DOG, and 100 USDT. And maximum bonus amount: 300 EUR, 300 USD, 300 CAD, 300 AUD, 300 NZD, 1,600 BRL, 3,000 NOK, 0.0049 BTC, 0.73 BCH, 0.088 ETH, 3.6 LTC, 1,750 DOG, and 300 USDT.
  8. Maximum winnings from free spins: 200 EUR, 200 USD, 200 CAD, 200 AUD, 200 NZD, 1,000 BRL, 2,000 NOK, 0.0032 BTC, 0.49 BCH, 0.059 ETH, 2.4 LTC, 1,150 DOG, and 200 USDT.
  9. Maximum winnings from free spins result: 400 EUR, 400 USD, 400 CAD, 400 AUD, 400 NZD, 2,200 BRL, 4,000 NOK, 0.0065 BTC, 0.97 BCH, 0.12 ETH, 4.81 LTC, 2,350 DOG, and 400 USDT.
  10. Maximum winnings from bonus money: 600 EUR, 600 USD, 600 CAD, 600 AUD, 600 NZD, 3,000 BRL, 6,000 NOK, 0.0097 BTC, 1.46 BCH, 0.18 ETH, 7.21 LTC, 3,550 DOG, and 600 USDT.
  11. Free spins will be issued on the day of deposit in full amount. Free spins must be activated in the player’s personal account within 3 days.
  12. Wagering: x30 - free spins; x40 - bonus money. Wagering duration: 3 days.
  13. Olympia.casino reserves the right to amend or cancel this bonus offer at any time.
  14. The General Bonus Policy applies.
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